Before you go any further, Professor Clive Moore has published his 2003-2017 Solomon Islands research bibliography. It is an amazing tool if you want to know of available scholarly work on the country. Access it here or here.
Tony Hiriasia, is an excellent researcher from East ‘Are Are. He has a recent paper on voter behaviour which advances a different perspective from my own. I highly recommend it. You can find it here.
Web Resources
For a while the late John Roughan had an excellent blog containing his analysis of Solomon Islands life. You can read old blog posts here.
Harry Greenwell ran an excellent blog of the 2010 elections in Solomon Islands. You can read his old posts here.
Two excellent databases of global election results are the CLEA database and the Global Election Database.
It is not directly election related, but the university of Queensland has a very useful web page linking to resources relevant to people researching Solomon Islands. You can access it here. This site is run by Professor Clive more, Professor Moore also curates the Solomon Islands Historical Encyclopedia.
Also, not directly election related, but useful, is SPC’s Solomon Island stats page, which contains census reports and the like. The interactive stats map looks like it may be of particular use.
The list below is a list of relevant publications taken from the references from my PhD. It may not be comprehensive. Please feel free to suggest additional publications to me. You can find many of these publications by Googling for them. If you are a Solomon Islands researcher and are struggling to find a copy of the reference in question you are welcome to email me and I will suggest some ways you may be able to access the work. PLEASE NOTE: I am not updating this list. As a result it does not contain information produced after 2014.
Alasia, S. 2008. Rainbows Across Mountains. In: Dinnen, S. & Firth, S. (eds.) Politics and State-building in Solomon Islands. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, 119-147.
Allen, M. 2007. Greed and grievance in the conflict in Solomon Islands, 1998-2003. Thesis Submitted for a Doctor of Philosophy, Australian National University.
Allen, M. 2008. Politics of disorder: the social unrest in Honiara. In: Dinnen, S. & Firth, S. (eds.) Politics and State-building in Solomon Islands. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, 39-63.
Allen, M. 2011. The Political Economy of Logging in Solomon Islands. In: Duncan, R. (ed.) The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 265-288.
Allen, M., Dinnen, S., Evans, D. & Monson, R. 2013. Justice Delivered Locally: Systems, Challenges and Innovations in Solomon Islands. Justice for the Poor. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
ANU Enterprise 2009. People’s Survey 2009, Canberra, ANU Enterprise.
ANU Enterprise 2010. People’s Survey 2010, Canberra, ANU Enterprise.
ANU Enterprise 2011. People’s Survey 2011, Canberra, ANU Enterprise.
Aqorau, T. 2008. Crisis in Solomon Islands: foraging for new directions. In: Dinnen, S. & Firth, S. (eds.) Politics and State-building in Solomon Islands. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, 246-268.
Bennett, J. 1987. Wealth of the Solomons: a history of a Pacific archipelago, 1980-1978, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Bennett, J. 2000. Pacific Forest: a history of resource control and contest in Solomon Islands, c.1800-1997, Cambridge, The White Horse Press.
Billy, A. 2002. Fighting for a fair deal in national politics. Development Bulletin, 59, 58-61.
Bird, C. 2007. Blowing the Conch Shell: a baseline survey of churches’ engagement in service provision and governance in the Solomon Islands. Honiara: Solomon Islands Christian Association.
Bourke, R. M., McGregor, A., Allen, M. G., Evans, B. R., Mullen, B. F., Pollard, A. A., Wairiu, M. & Zotalis, S. 2006. Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study. Canberra: AusAID.
Braithwaite, J., Dinnen, S., Allen, M., Braithwaite, V. & Charlesworth, H. 2010. Pillars and Shadows: Statebuilding as Peacebuilding in Solomon Islands, Canberra, ANU E Press.
Brigg, M. 2009. Wantokism and state building in Solomon Islands: a response to Fukuyama. Pacific Economic Bulletin, Volume 24(3), 148-161.
Burt, B. 1994b. Tradition and Christianity: the colonial transformation of a Solomon Islands society, Chur, Harwood Academic Publishers.
Chick, J. 1979. Electoral Politics in the Solomon Islands. Pacific Perspectives, 8(2), 21-30.
Chick, J. 1983. The 1976 General Election. In: Larmour, P. & Tarua, S. (eds.) Solomon Islands Politics. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific, 63-79.
Commonwealth Secretariat 2006. Solomon Islands General Election Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group. Commonwealth Secretariat.
Commonwealth Secretariat 2010. Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group: Solomon Islands National Parliamentary Elections Commonwealth Secretariat.
Coppel, N. 2012. Transition of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper, 2012(10).
Corbett, J. & Wood, T. 2013. Profiling Politicians in Solomon Islands: Professionalisation of a Political Elite? Australian Journal of Political Science, 48(3).
Corrin-Care, J. 2002. ‘Off the peg’ or ‘made to measure’: is the Westminster system of government appropriate in Solomon Islands? Alternative Law Journal, 27(5), 207-213.
Corrin, J. 2009. Solomon Islands. In: Levine, S. (ed.) Pacific Ways. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 212-220.
Cox, J. 2009. Active citizenship or passive clientelism? Accountability and development in Solomon Islands. Development in Practice, 19(8), 964-980.
Cox, J. & Morrison, J. 2004. Solomon Islands – Provincial Governance Information Paper. Unpublished Consultant Report Prepared for AusAID.
Craig, D. & Porter, D. 2013. Political settlement in Solomon Islands: a political economic basis for stability after RAMSI? SSGM Working Paper Series, 2013(1).
Dinnen, S. 2008. The Solomon Islands intervention and the instabilities of the post-colonial state. Global Change, Peace & Security, 20(3), 339-355.
Dinnen, S. 2008b. State-Building in a Post-Colonial Society: The Case of Solomon Islands. Chicago Journal of International Law, 9(1), 51-78.
Dinnen, S. 2009. The Crisis of State in Solomon Islands. Peace Review, 21(1), 70-78.
Duncan, R. & Hassall, G. 2011. How Pervasive is Clientelist Politics in the Pacific? In: Duncan, R. (ed.) The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 253-263.
Dureau, C. 1998. Decreed affinities: Nationhood and the western Solomon Islands. The Journal of Pacific History, 33(2), 197-220.
East West Centre 2010. Asia Pacific Democracy Partnership Election Observation of the 4 August 2010 National Parliamentary Elections Solomon Islands: Preliminary Statement. East West Center.
Evans, B. R. 2006. Literature Review: A Brief National Assessment of the Agricultural Sector. Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study. Canberra: AusAID.
Foale, S. & Macintyre, M. 2000. Dynamic and flexible aspects of land and marine tenure at West Nggela: Implications for marine resource management. Oceania, 71(1), 30-45.
Fono, F. 2007. A perspective on constituency development in Solomon Islands. Pacific Economic Bulletin, 22(2), 127-131.
Fraenkel, J. 2004. The Manipulation of Custom: from Uprising to Intervention in the Solomon Islands, Wellington, Victoria University Press.
Fraenkel, J. 2005. Democracy and its Pacific Discontents. In: Henderson, J. & Watson, G. (eds.) Securing a Peaceful Pacific. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press.
Fraenkel, J. 2005. Political Consequences of Pacific Island Electoral Laws. State, Society and Government in Melanesia Discussion Paper, 2005(8).
Fraenkel, J. 2008. The Impact of RAMSI on the 2006 Elections. Political Science, 58(2), 63-85.
Fraenkel, J. 2008. Political Consequences of Pacific Island Electoral Laws. In: Rich, R., Hambly, L. & Morgan, M. G. (eds.) Political parties in the Pacific Islands. Canberra: ANU E Press, 43-67.
Fraenkel, J. 2011. The Atrophied State: A Supply-Side Perspective on Politician ‘Slush Funds’ in Western Melanesia. In: Duncan, R. (ed.) The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 298-311.
Fraenkel, J. & Aspinall, E. 2013. Comparing Across Regions: Parties and Political Systems in Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. CDI Policy Papers on Political Governance, 2013(2).
Fraenkel, J., Hegarty, D. & Nelson, H. 2007. Patrons Without Clients? Towards a Sociology of Political Power in the Pacific. Paper presented at Executive Power and the Battle for Parliamentary Confidence in the Pacific Islands Conference. Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Frazer, I. 1997. The Struggle for Control of Solomon Island Forests. The Contemporary Pacific, 9(1), 39-72.
Fukuyama, F. 2007. Observations on State-Building in the Western Pacific. Johns Hopkins University Working Paper.
Fukuyama, F. 2008. State building in Solomon Islands. Pacific Economic Bulletin, 23(3), 18-34.
Hameiri, S. 2009. Capacity and its Fallacies: International State Building as State Transformation. Millennium – Journal of International Studies, 38(1), 55-81.
Haque, T. A. 2012. The Influence of Culture on Economic Development in Solomon Islands: A Political-Economy Perspective. SSGM Discussion Paper, 2012(1), 1-16.
Hayward-Jones, J. 2008. Engineering Political Stability in Solomon Islands: Outcomes Report.
Hiriasia, Tony. 2016. Kin and Gifts: Understanding the Kin-based Politics of Solomon Islands — The Case of East ‘Are Are. SSGM Discussion Paper, 2016(4). Online here.
Hou, R. 2012. Managing the Political Economy of Development in Solomon Islands [Online]. Available: Accessed 2/10/2012.
Kabutaulaka, T. T. 1997. Deforestation and Politics in Solomon Islands. In: Larmour, P. (ed.) Governance and Reform in the South Pacific. Canberra: National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University, 121-153.
Kabutaulaka, T. T. 1998. Pacific Islands Stakeholder Participation in Development: Solomon Islands. Pacific Islands Discussion Paper Series. The World Bank.
Kabutaulaka, T. T. 2008. Westminster Meets Solomons in the Honiara Riots. In: Dinnen, S. & Firth, S. (eds.) Politics and State-building in Solomon Islands. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, 96-118.
Kabutaulaka, T. T. 2008. Parties, Constitutional Engineering and Governance in the Solomon Islands. In: Rich, R., Hambly, L. & Morgan, M. G. (eds.) Political parties in the Pacific Islands. Canberra: ANU E Press, 103-116.
Kelly, N. 2010. Electoral Democracy in Post-Conflict Melanesia: The 2010 Bougainville and Solomon Islands Elections. CDI Policy Paper Series on Political Governance, 2010(2), 1-29.
Kingmele, E. & Paroi, H. 2000. Political Trends in the Solomon Islands. In: Rynkiewich, M. A. & Seib, R. (eds.) Politics in Papua New Guinea: continuities, changes and challenges. Goroka, Papua New Guinea: Melanesian Institute, 240-265.
Laracy, H. 1983. Pacific Protest: The Maasina Rule Movement, Solomon Islands, 1944-1952, Suva, Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific.
McDougall, D. 2003. Fellowship and Citizenship as Models of National Community: United Church Women’s Fellowship in Ranongga, Solomon Islands. Oceania, 74(1/2), 61-80.
McDougall, D. 2008. Religious Institutions as Alternative Structures in Post-Conflict Solomon Islands? Cases from Western Province. State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper, 2008(5).
Moore, C. 2004. Happy isles in crisis: the historical causes for a failing state in Solomon Islands, 1998-2004, Canberra, Asia Pacific Press.
Moore, C. 2006. No More Walkabout Long Chinatown: Asian Involvement in the Solomon Islands Economic and Political Process. Paper presented at Solomon Islands: Where to now? Canberra.
Moore, C. 2010. Decolonising the Solomon Islands: British theory and Melanesian Practice. Alfred Deakin Research Institute Working Papers, 8, 1-27.
Morgan, M. 2005. Cultures of Dominance: Institutional and Cultural Influences on Parliamentary Politics in Melanesia. State, Society and Government in Melanesia Discussion Paper, 2005((2)).
Morgan, M. G. & McLeod, A. 2006. Have we failed our neighbour? Australian Journal of International Affairs, 60(3), 412-428.
Naitoro, J. 1993. The Politics of Development in ‘Are ‘Are Malaita. MA Thesis, Otago University.
Nanau, G. L. 2011. The Wantok System as a Socio-economic and Political Network in Melanesia. OMNES : The Journal of Multicultural Society, 2(1), 31-55.
Nanau, G. L. 2011b. Solomon Islands. The Contemporary Pacific, 23(2), 504-512.
Paia, W. 1983. Traditionally-Based Associations. In: Larmour, P. & Tarua, S. (eds.) Solomon Islands politics. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific.
Pollard, A. A. e. 2003. Women’s Organizations, Voluntarism, and Self-Financing in Solomon Islands: a Participant Perspective. Oceania, 74(1/2), 44-60.
Pollard, A. A. e. 2006. Painaha: Gender and Leadership in ‘Are ‘Are Society, the South Sea Evangelical Church and Parliamentary Leadership-Solomon Islands. Thesis Submitted for a Doctor of Philosophy, Victoria University.
Premdas, R. & Steeves, J. 1994. The 1993 National Elections in the Solomon Islands. The Journal of Pacific History, 29(3), 46-56.
Premdas, R., Steeves, J. & Larmour, P. 1983. The Western Breakaway Movement. In: Larmour, P. & Tarua, S. (eds.) Solomon Islands Politics. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies at the University of the South Pacific, 164-195.
Provincial Government Development Unit 1998a. Constituency Development Profile and Action Plan: Rennell and Bellona. Honiara: Department of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Provincial Government Development Unit 1998b. Constituency Development Profile and Action Plan: Central Kwara’ae. Honiara: Department of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Ratuva, S. 2008. Primordial Politics? Political Parties and Tradition in Melanesia. In: Rich, R., Hambly, L. & Morgan, M. G. (eds.) Political parties in the Pacific Islands. Canberra: ANU E Press, 27-43.
Roughan, P. 2004. National Integrity Systems – Transparency International Country Study Report: Solomon Islands 2004. Canberra: Transparency International.
Rural Development Division 2001. Choiseul Province Development Profile. Honiara: Ministry of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Rural Development Division 2001b. Temotu Province Development Profile. Honiara: Ministry of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Rural Development Division 2001c. Isabel Province Development Profile. Honiara: Ministry of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Rural Development Division 2001d. Makira Province Development Profile. Honiara: Ministry of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Rural Development Division 2001e. Central Province Development Profile. Honiara: Ministry of Provincial Government and Rural Development.
Sanga, K. 2005. Digging Deeper: Resolving Conflict at a Community Level. In: Henderson, J. & Watson, G. (eds.) Securing a Peaceful Pacific. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 442-452.
Scott, M. W. 2000. Ignorance is Cosmos; Knowledge is Chaos: Articulating a Cosmological Polarity in Solomon Islands. Social Analysis, (44(2)), 56-83.
Scott, M. W. 2007. Neither ‘New Melanesian History’ nor ‘New Melanesian Ethnography’: Recovering Emplaced Matrilineages in Southeast Solomon Islands. Oceania, 77(3), 337-354.
Solomon Islands National Statistics Office 1997. Village resources survey 1995/96 – Report 1, Honiara, Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance.
Solomon Islands National Statistics Office 2000. Report on the 1999 Population and Housing Census: volume 2 (analysis), Honiara, Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance.
Solomon Islands National Statistics Office 2012. Solomon Islands Population and Housing Census 2009: Basic Tables and Census Description. Statistical Bulletin. Honiara: Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance.
Solomon Islands National Statistics Office 2013. Report on 2009 Population & Housing Census: Basic Tables and Census Description, Honiara, Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance.
Steeves, J. 2011. ‘Unbounded politics’ and the democratic model in Solomon Islands: the 2010 national elections. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 49(3), 342-358.
Steeves, J. S. 1996. Unbounded Politics in the Solomon Islands: Leadership and Party Alignments. Pacific Studies, 19(1), 115-138.
Steeves, J. S. 2001. Solomon Islands. In: Nohlen, D., Grotz, F. & Hartmann, C. (eds.) Elections in Asia and the Pacific: a data handbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 795-808.
Tuhanuku, J. 1995. The reality of governance in Solomon Islands today. Pacific Economic Bulletin Volume 10(Number 2), 66-69.
Ulufa’alu, B. 1983. The Development of Political Parties. In: Larmour, P. & Tarua, S. (eds.) Solomon Islands Politics. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific, 101-106.
White, G. 2007. Indigenous Governance in Melanesia. State Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper, 2007(5).
Wickham, A. 2004. Who Needs What & When from a Civil Society Network Secretariat (Unpublished Pamphlet). Honiara.
World Bank. 2011. Solomon Islands: Rural Development Program in Pictures [Online]. Washington. Available: Accessed 25 February 2013.